Two kittens and a shoe - vintage German postcard (1950s)Buy: ddr german vintage 1950s kittens cats cute animals Black and White vintage retro postcard old postcards history
1957 postcard of kittens 50s cats kittens cute cute animals animals Black and White vintage retro postcard old postcards soviet russia ussr history
Kittens and books, postcard from 1956Buy here: 50s 1950s mid-century kittens cats cute books vintage retro postcard old postcards soviet russia ussr history
Postcard from the 1950sBuy here: kittens 50s Black and White animals cute vintage retro postcard old postcards soviet russia ussr history
Kitten with a camera postcard, 1957You can buy it here: kittens vintage retro postcard old postcards soviet russia ussr history animals cute 50s
Kittie postcards ❤ kittens Black and White 50s animals 1950s vintage retro postcard old postcards soviet russia ussr history
Kitten drinking tea, 1957 () kittens cute animals 50s 1950s Black and White vintage retro postcard old postcards soviet russia ussr history
Kitten photo postcard from the fifties () 1950s 50s kittens cats cute Black and White animals vintage retro postcard old postcards soviet russia ussr history
Candy bar wrapper from 1952 1950s mid-century cats kittens soviet union soviet ussr russia history photography vintage retro food packaging
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Vintage Soviet postcard (1974), artist T. Sorokina NEW on Etsy: vintage etsy etsy finds etsy vintage soviet ussr russian vintage retro 70s 1970s cats kittens Illustration book art children's book Book Illustration
Vintage German postcard (1950s) NEW Listed on Etsy: vintage etsy etsy finds etsy vintage soviet ussr russian vintage retro 1950s 1940s vintage german kittens cats animals postcard
Illustration by Vladimir Lebedev, 1929 1920s book art Book Illustration Illustration cats kittens cute soviet soviet union russia russian retro vintage history
Cat with kittens, Vintage school poster (1966) Listed on Etsy: vintage etsy etsy finds etsy vintage soviet ussr russian vintage cats kittens Illustration vintage print vintage poster 1960s
Kitten with a camera, Vintage Soviet postcard 1954 Listed on Etsy: postcards vintage postcard vintage etsy etsy finds etsy vintage soviet ussr russian vintage cats kittens cute Black and White