Birthday postcard by Yu. Chmelyov (Ukraine, 1961)
Birthday postcard by Yu. Chmelyov (Ukraine, 1961)
Birthday card by O. Trendeleva (1985)
Mini-card by O. Yurasova (USSR, 1991)
June covers of Murzilka (1950, 1951, 1957, 1964)
— Well, my friend, are you convinced now there was only trouble waiting for you outside?
— No. Not convinced. I was really looking for it… Almost found it! But the dog chased me away.
“The Kitten Named Woof” (1976)
Rare Soviet postcard from 1930s
Birthday card by P. Danilevich (1960)
The Forest Beach, illustration by Syuzanna Byalkovskaya
Moscow Zoo, 1920s-1950s
“Attention! Watch our springtime programme.” Illustration by V. Kanevsky, published in Funny Pictures in 1973.