“In The Basket” by V. Berestov (book from 1993) Listed on Etsy: postcards vintage postcard vintage etsy etsy finds etsy vintage soviet ussr russian vintage september october vintage books Book Illustration autumn fall children's book 1990s
Vintage Soviet postcard (1974), artist T. Sorokina NEW on Etsy: vintage etsy etsy finds etsy vintage soviet ussr russian vintage retro 70s 1970s cats kittens Illustration book art children's book Book Illustration
Vintage book “Pusselchen” (Baby Animals) in German, published in Soviet Russia in 1979 Listed on Etsy: vintage etsy etsy finds etsy vintage soviet ussr russian vintage 1970s vintage books baby animals Book Illustration children's book hedgehogs dogs cts soviet union russia russian retro history
Vintage illustrated book about Neznaika and his friends (characters from the Nikolai Nosov book), 1986 Listed on Etsy: postcards vintage postcard vintage etsy etsy finds etsy vintage soviet ussr russian vintage neznaika dunno 1970s books vintage books Book Illustration children's book
“Birds”, Vintage Soviet fold out book - Ukraine (1968) - VERY RARE Listed on Etsy: vintage etsy etsy finds etsy vintage soviet ussr russian vintage vintage books books Book Illustration children's book birds
The Steadfast Tin Soldier - Andersen fairy tale illustration (1974), Artist Antokolskaya postcards vintage postcard vintage etsy etsy finds etsy vintage soviet ussr russian vintage 70s Illustration Book Illustration book art children's book
Childhood And Youth Of Vladimir Lenin / Illustrated Children’s Paperback Book / USSR 1980 (in Russian) by SovietPostcards (9.50 USD) Etsy soviet book ussr children's book book in russian learn russian vintage books vladimir le