I have the weirdest dreams sometimes! Last night’s one featured this song. When I woke up it was still in my head and I couldn’t get it out for half a day. %)
The Genius Detective’s Song from “On the Trail of the Bremen Town Musicians” (1973)
I have the weirdest dreams sometimes! Last night’s one featured this song. When I woke up it was still in my head and I couldn’t get it out for half a day. %)
The Genius Detective’s Song from “On the Trail of the Bremen Town Musicians” (1973)
Over the River Wonder
In the Damp Forest
Порушка-параня (I have no clue what the title means, but it’s the famous one about the Curly Ivan that a girl named Praskovya fancies)
Barynya (Madame)
Kurevushka (Kureva means blizzard in a Siberian dialect). A different mood in this one, but I really really love it.
1. Pancakes — оладьи
2. Crepes — блины
3. To get stuffed with — обжираться (чем)
You’re set to go.
Moscow 1971 ()
Ice rink in Gorky Park, Moscow (1963)
Moscow 1956 ()
“Welcome” - postcard by T. Aleksandrova, 1956
“Sun and Smoke” by Pavlo Tychina, illustrated by S. Yarovoy (1984)
“Calling Out for Martians” by P. Klushantsev (1968)
“Neznaika and His Friends” by Nikolai Nosov (1976)
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Autumn Flora, botanical book in Russian, 1961 ()
Moscow 1956 ()
Making of the Sputnik ()