Two kittens and a shoe - vintage German postcard (1950s)
Two kittens and a shoe - vintage German postcard (1950s)
Cyrillic typewriters made in Soviet Union, Germany, Yugoslavia 1950s—1980s (via )
Berlin, the Capital of DDR, set of 12 postcards (1967)
Listed on Etsy:
“Schrift und Schreiben”, a vintage German (DDR) book about fonts and hand lettering book (1981)
Listed on Etsy:
Birds in Our Garden, Vintage German book, DDR 1986
Two Christmas postcards from German Democratic Republic, around 1970s-1980s
Vintage German postcard (DDR)
Vintage German postcard (DDR)
Vintage postcard printed in Germany (for soviet Union), 1967
Soap Bubbles, vintage postcard from Germany (DDR). 1950s.