Two kittens and a shoe - vintage German postcard (1950s)Buy: ddr german vintage 1950s kittens cats cute animals Black and White vintage retro postcard old postcards history
Cyrillic typewriters made in Soviet Union, Germany, Yugoslavia 1950s—1980s (via ) typewriter soviet soviet union russia russian retro vintage history yugoslavia ddr german vintage
Berlin, the Capital of DDR, set of 12 postcards (1967) Listed on Etsy: postcards vintage postcard vintage etsy etsy finds etsy vintage soviet ussr russian vintage berlin ddr germany european vintage europe City View viewcards 1960s 60s
“Schrift und Schreiben”, a vintage German (DDR) book about fonts and hand lettering book (1981) Listed on Etsy: postcards vintage postcard vintage etsy etsy finds etsy vintage soviet ussr russian vintage books vintage books calligraphy lettering fonts typeface ddr germany east germany eastern bloc
Birds in Our Garden, Vintage German book, DDR 1986 vintage etsy etsy finds etsy vintage soviet ussr russian vintage ddr vintage germany german birds books vintage books
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Vintage German postcard (DDR) toys children 70s ddr retro vintage soviet russian ussr postcards ephemera history inspiration
Vintage German postcard (DDR) toys children 70s ddr retro vintage soviet russian ussr postcards ephemera history inspiration
Vintage postcard printed in Germany (for soviet Union), 1967 retro vintage soviet russian ussr postcards ephemera history inspiration toys children 70s ddr
Soap Bubbles, vintage postcard from Germany (DDR). 1950s. retro vintage soviet russian ussr postcards ephemera history inspiration toys children 70s ddr