Illustrations from the book “Picking, Drying and Cultivation of Medicinal Herbs in Russia (1917)
Illustrations from the book “Picking, Drying and Cultivation of Medicinal Herbs in Russia (1917)
Illustrations from “Siberian Flora”, book published in St Petersburg in 1749.
Conifers. Illustrations from the Botanical Atlas by B. Shishkin (1963)
Illustration from “Album of edible and poisonous mushrooms” by G. Nadson, published in 1920.
Book cover. Irina Vorobyova, “Little Birch Tree” (1957)
Berries - from the 1973 postcard set, artist V. Vasiliev.
Berries on vintage matchbox labels, 1969 ()
These labels advertise for people to sell their berries to consumer cooperative organizations.
M. Platen “New Method of Treatment” (1906)
“Mushroom Picker” by D. Kaigorodov, 1891
Mushroom postcard by M. Andreyev, 1959
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Berries - postcard set (1973)
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Botanical Atlas by K. Hofmann, published in St Petersburg in 1897
Cacti illustration from “Indoor Gardening” by M. Hesdoerfer. Published in St Petersburg in 1898.
Look what I found recently! I love this little book! - “Teaching Nature to Children” (1958)
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