“Thought After Thought”, an exquisitely designed diary published in Saint Petersburg in 1885. 1800s 1880s design antique russian empire history vintage russia retro book art
Antique postcards by B. Zvorykin (1896) 1800s russian empire antique vintage retro postcard old postcards russia history russian fairy tales baba yaga
Nizhny Novgorod during the flood in 1867. Betancourt embankment, photo by M. Dmitriyev. nizhny novgorod 1800s russian empire russia history photography vintage retro black and white
Editions of Ivan Krylov fables - cover (1895), title page (1878) russian empire antique russian fairy tales 1800s russia history photography vintage retro book art book illustration Illustration
“Mushroom Picker” by D. Kaigorodov, 1891 1800s russian empire mushrooms book art Illustration Book Illustration botanical illustration Antique antique books vintage books russia history photography vintage retro
Botanical Atlas by K. Hofmann, published in St Petersburg in 1897 botanical botanical illustration 1800s antique books russian empire russia history photography vintage
Cat illustration from a Russian 1865 book cats russian empire Book Illustration 1800s russia history photography vintage
Cacti illustration from “Indoor Gardening” by M. Hesdoerfer. Published in St Petersburg in 1898. 1800s cactus antique books books Book Illustration botanical illustration soviet union russia history photography vintage
Hans Christian Andersen books published in Russia in 1894-1895 1800s russian empire books antique books antique russia history photography vintage