Anonymous asked:
can you tell us a bit about mushroom-hunting as a pastime? I (american) didn't realize it was a big cultural Thing in russia until my mother, who lived in moscow for several years, explained it to me recently. it sounds fun!
Quite a cultural staple, that’s for sure. Aside from the Southmost regions (which are tiny), mushrooms grow in all Russian forests. Children are always brought along and taught different kinds of mushrooms, the good and the bad that you must stay away from.
Mushroom season, typically, is from mid-summer to mid-autumn. Mushrooms love it when it’s wet and not too hot.
As soon as the season starts, you’ll hear грибы пошли (mushrooms are here) everywhere. All families have their own secret spots, and they’ll be different spots for boletus, for chanterelles, for saffron red caps, for milk mushrooms (they require different forest settings).
Mushrooms are fried, pickled, canned in oil, dehydrated or frozen to be enjoyed during the winter. I always try to prepare dried porcini - they are great gifts for my friends in Moscow! (It’s more hassle to go mushroom picking in large cities simply because the forests are far away and there’s so many people.)
Of course, it’s possible to buy canned or frozen mushrooms in the grocery store now, so it lost its vital importance as a winter food source. However, enough Russians are hooked on the process itself to keep the hunt alive. :)
We’ve had a very hot and dry August, but I hope September is wet enough and brings lots of mushrooms!