This blog is about old postcards, book illustration and all kinds of paper whimsy from the Soviet Union. I'm a long time collector, and this blog is 7 years old. I have an etsy shop for cards, books, pins and vintage finds from Russia.
Uzbekistan from “State Emblems and Flags of the Soviet Republics” postcard set, 1971. Artist G. Fisher. ()
Vintage Soviet greeting card for Women’s Day that features 15 Matryoshka dolls in traditional clothes of the 15 Soviet republics. Artist A. Vasiliev. Published in 1989.
Found a bunch of new posters with Soviet republics emblems and patterns. And a bonus double-sided poster with the Russian alphabet. I don’t think I can find second copies of these, so first come first serve! Published in 1988.
(Sorry for the bad photos, we get aweful daylight these days with all the rains)