“Mother’s Day” - story by G. Vieru, illustrated by V. Dranishnikova (diafilm, 1978)(Russia celebrates Mother’s Day on the last Sunday of November.) diafilm Illustration 1970s soviet ussr russia history vintage retro
Children setting up their diafilm projector (USSR, 1950s) 1950s children diafilm soviet ussr russia history photography vintage retro
Slides from “The Whole Year” diafilm by Samuil Marshak, illustrated by Tamara Zebrova (1969).“In October, in October in rains a lot. Grass on the fields is dead, grasshopper is silent. We prepared firewood for the winter.” autumn diafilm Illustration 1960s
“The Kitten”, filmstrip (1954). Story by Leo Tolstoy, artist L. Khodakov. caturday cats 1950s diafilm soviet ussr russia history vintage retro Illustration
50 new diafilms listed in the shop! I put together little collages to represent each film. There were a couple that I couldn’t find at all in the entirety of the Internet, so they’re going to be ~mystery rolls~. I did try to find someone to scan the film, but I only found this guy who asked to cut the film in shorter strips so he could scan it. Well, thanks but no thanks. Mystery rolls it is!» filmstrips diafilm vintage etsy
“Where Has Winter Gone” by Vladimir Orlov, illustrated by V. Scherbinin (Soviet filmstrip, 1989)You can see it in full here. diafilm filmstrip 1980s winter spring Illustration soviet ussr russia history photography vintage retro
Educational filmstrip about mushrooms. Illustrated in by T. Bagina, published in 1988. mushrooms 1980s soviet ussr russia history photography vintage retro filmstrips diafilm
Soviet Moomin filmstrips illustrated by Boris Diodorov. You can watch them in full here: 1, 2. moomin diafilm filmstrips 1970s 1980s soviet ussr russia history photography vintage retro
Listed these diafilms (filmstrips) today: , , , diafilm soviet ussr russia history photography vintage retro
Mukha-Tsokotukha - vintage filmstrip illustrated by B. Stepantsev (1963). Story by Kornei Chukovsky. You can see the whole filmstrip here. Illustration diafilm filmstrip cartoons 1960s insects soviet ussr russia history photography vintage retro