Oh my God, what a GEM! These are original perfume bottle labels from 1930s - from ТЭЖЭ [te-zhe] Soviet cosmetics factory. In pristine condition, too! Everything Soviet from 1930s is super rare, so I’m really hyped about these! I found them in a batch of postcards that I bought in bulk - talk about hidden treasures. ❤ 1930s perfume Packaging soviet union soviet ussr russia history photography vintage retro
Crimea wine labels from the 1950s () 1950s wine label packaging vintage ukraine crimea alcohol ussr soviet
Soviet Union razor blade packaging from the 1950s and 60s packaging packaging design 1950s 1960s soviet soviet union russia russian retro vintage history
Vintage candy bar wrappers from Russia, Moldova, Georgia wrapper packaging soviet soviet union russia russian retro vintage history ephemera