The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Russia, 1892) 1890s books book covers book art Book Illustration children's books antique russian empire history vintage russia retro
Encyclopaedia of Butterflies (1897) 1890s 19th century antique russian empire history vintage russia retro books butterflies
January 6 is Orthodox Christmas Eve. Here are some antique (pre-Soviet) postcards that celebrate Christmas.(from Yuri Kombolin’s collection) christmas vintage christmas 1890s 1900s antique russian empire history vintage russia retro postcards
Antique promo postcard by Эйнемъ /Einem/, a Russian confectionery factory (later known as the Red October in the USSR) - 1890s. It advertises a chocolate bar called “Take It If You Can” that had this design on the wrapper. Antique paper ephemera russian empire 1890s vintage advertising Packaging Design russia history vintage retro