“How I Met the New Year” written and illustrated by Viktor Golyavkin (1963) 1960s soviet ussr russia history
Vintage postcards that say “Greetings from the New Year’s Leningrad!” (1950s) leningrad 50s soviet ussr russia history postcard vintage
Happy New Year cake and other cakes at Bolshevik confectionery factory. Photo by V. Yegorov, A. Konkov (Moscow, 1960). cake 1960s soviet ussr russia history photography
Ded Moroz, Snegurochka and children at a Kremlin New Year party (1950s) 1950s pioneers soviet ussr russia history photography
Holiday crowd in the metro. Photo by M. Ozyorsky (Moscow, 1955). 1950s metro moscow soviet ussr russia history photography
Samuil Marshak, Soviet children’s book author. Book covers (1948-1962) 1940s 1950s 1960s soviet ussr russia history photography vintage retro
Folk tales of the North. Book illustrated by Kirill Ovchinnikov (USSR, 1968). 1960s soviet ussr russia history vintage retro
Lev Tokmakov. Illustrations from “Letter After Letter” by Yakov Akim (USSR, 1964) 1960s soviet ussr russia history vintage retro