Vintage postcards that say “Greetings from the New Year’s Leningrad!” (1950s) leningrad 50s soviet ussr russia history postcard vintage
Holiday crowd in the metro. Photo by M. Ozyorsky (Moscow, 1955). 1950s metro moscow soviet ussr russia history photography
Happy New Year cake and other cakes at Bolshevik confectionery factory. Photo by V. Yegorov, A. Konkov (Moscow, 1960). cake 1960s soviet ussr russia history photography
“How I Met the New Year” written and illustrated by Viktor Golyavkin (1963) 1960s soviet ussr russia history
Little birdies on Soviet New Year postcards (70s-80s) 70s 80s postcard vintage soviet ussr russia birds
Snowflake designs of vintage Soviet New Year postcards (60s-70s) 60s 70s christmas vintage retro postcard soviet russia ussr history
January 1. Tear-off calendars on Soviet New Year postcards (1950s–1980s) 50s 60s 70s 80s Samovar vintage retro postcard soviet russia ussr history