Two Khokhloma-inspired restaurant menus (1969-1971) 1960s 1970s menus design soviet ussr russia history
Restaurant menus from various Russian restaurants (1960s) menus 1960s soviet ussr russia history vintage retro
Vintage Soviet poster from the 1970s - USSR anthem lyrics NEW Listed on Etsy: vintage etsy soviet ussr retro russia russian history prints 1970s
Aeroflot (Soviet airlines) menu (c. 1970s) 1970s menus soviet ussr russia history photography vintage retro
If you’re in Belgium, you must check this out. The Moscow Design Museum and the ADAM (Brussels Design Museum) present: Soviet Design. Red Wealth, the first of its kind retrospective showcase bringing together daily objects and graphics designed in the USSR in the past century. Open until 21.05.2018. Info: wouldn’t it be great to do a meet-up in Brussels! I wish, I wish :) design mishka exhibitions soviet ussr russia history photography vintage retro
USSR-made portable radio receivers from 1960s and 1980s (via ) 1960s 1980s soviet ussr russia history photography vintage retro
Here are four new space-themed holiday postcards in my collection. My favourite topic in New Year cards! (Soviet Russia 1970s) 70s space cosmonautics vintage retro postcard soviet russia ussr history 1970s
Soft drinks manufactured at the Achinsk factory (Krasnoyarsk, Russia). Labels from the 60s and 70s. drinks 1960s 1970s soviet ussr russia history photography vintage retro