Vintage Soviet maxicards (1987)Left: Asplenium scolopendriumRight: Asplenium ceterach plants maxicards stamps 80s 1980s vintage retro postcard soviet russia ussr history
Vintage maxicards (helicopter postcard + stamp + pictorial postmark), 1980 Listed on Etsy: postcards vintage etsy soviet ussr maxicards helicopters
Collection of Soviet space-themed maxicards (April 12 — Cosmonautics Day) Source: 60s 80s postcards maxicards space history ussr soviet vintage retro
Maxicards! (postcard + stamp + pictoral postmark)Available by request only maxicards soviet russia russian retro vintage history postcard
Orchid maxicards (USSR, 1991) maxicards Philately stamps flowers 90s vintage retro postcard soviet russia ussr history
“Buy postage stamps!” - vintage pocket calendars encouraging people to collect stamps (1970s-1980s) Philately stamps 1970s 1980s soviet ussr russia history photography vintage retro
Kiev, Ukraine - vintage postcard set (1984)Buy: 80s viewcards 1980s kiev ukraine kyiv vintage retro postcard soviet ussr history
St Petersburg, the Griboyedov canal. Vintage postcard (1981). leningrad 80s 1980s viewcards vintage retro postcard soviet russia ussr history
The Ritza lake in Abkhazia. Vintage postcard (1984). viewcards mountains nature abkhazia 80s 1980s vintage retro postcard soviet russia ussr history
Vintage stamps from Soviet Union - listed in my shop: vintage stamps Philately ussr soviet retro 1980s 1970s berries samovar russia