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Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

I’ll Hop Off At a Distant Station (На дальней станции сойду)

So I love this song and it’s, as they say now, a big mood. To hop off in the middle of nowhere, to stride through endless fields and cornflower meadows, and not have a single worry. I can’t wait for my July vacation! I would hop on a train and go somewhere, anywhere right now. 

Original version performed by Gennady Belov, as featured in “A Secret Shared” movie (1978)

A later rendition by “Plamya”

And a much later, post-Soviet rendition by “Grazhdanskaya Oborona” (2002), a Russian punk-rock group. I’m a bit partial to this one because it’s the one I actually lived through.

soviet music russian music 1970s