“To the Moon”, rare collectible postcard by V. Viktorov (1962)In my shop: 60s 1960s space rocket moon vintage retro postcard old postcards soviet russia ussr history
Vintage Soviet postcard commemorating the second Soviet space rocket that brought a Soviet flag to the Moon in September 1959.Published in 1962. Artist V. Klimashin. Available in my shop: 60s space Space Race Soviet Space Program moon vintage retro postcard old postcards soviet russia ussr history
9x13 PRINT Viktorov 1959 (reproduction) Listed on Etsy: vintage etsy etsy finds etsy vintage soviet ussr russian vintage space moon 1950s
Space postcard September 14 1959, artist A. BelovListed on Etsy: postcards vintage postcard vintage etsy etsy finds etsy vintage soviet ussr russian vintage space 50s space race moon space exploration