Three envelopes mailed in 1974-75. The airmail one is from Switzerland, the others are within the USSR. The first envelope has a cute design that says “Happy New Year”.Do you send handwritten cards or letters during the holiday season? mail envelopes airmail 1970s stamps letters soviet ussr russia history things
Among the things I love are old timey handwritten letters. I love those handwritings. You can tell they’re from a different generation.Pictured: handwritten letters from children book authors Kornei Chukovsky and Samuil Marshak (1950s-60s) 1950s 1960s handwriting cursive Letters
October 9 − World Post DayCongratulations to all postcard lovers, pen pallers, postal workers, mail artists, stamp collectors!This day also marks the beginning of the International Letter Writing Week. I haven’t written letters for a long time, but I want to, and this is the perfect time to do it. So, I pledge to write at least one letter this week.Who wants to join in? 60s 50s 70s mailman postman soviet ussr russia vintage retro letters